Building new homes in Clark County Washington is not for the average person. Let’s face it: there are lots of considerations and decisions to be made.
There are two main paths to consider, the decision to build a custom home or a semi-custom home. This decision largely impacts the choices you will make from flooring to light fixtures to layout.
So, what is the difference between custom and semi-custom homes?
Custom homes. Custom Homes in Vancouver Washington give you, as the homeowner, full control over the function and quality of new homes. These homes are unique; they are designed specifically for your lifestyle and the type of land and location on which you want to build. Those wanting a custom home often purchase a piece of vacant land in Clark county on which they plan to build, then they hire a local homebuilder an Architect designer to design a custom home that is tailored to your personal needs and specifications. Because of their originality, custom homes require you to make many decisions, a large amount of time will be spent researching materials, products and visiting local stores to see these products.

Semi-custom homes. With semi-custom homes in Vancouver, local builder in Clark County provide you with pre designed home styles and floor plans, you choose the one that best fits your lifestyle preferences. Sometimes these existing designs can be modified, either significantly, slightly or to fit your personal needs. Modifications sometimes require to be made for a specific piece of vacant land on which you choose to build. Similar to custom homes, you have some flexibility in the features and products that you choose for these houses, however, the local home builder usually sets a budget for products options and features.
For example, you may be allotted an amount of money to spend on cabinets, flooring and appliance. If you spend over this amount, then you must pay for the additional amount out of your pocket. You may have the option to select floor plan options and features like 3rd car garages, bonus rooms and unfinished rooms.
Advantages of custom homes
A custom home, you have full control over all aspect of your home.
You decide on the feature and products in the house. You can set your own budget to work within.
As the home owner, you live in a tailored home that’s custom designed to your lifestyle, you can appreciate each of the choices you made during the building process.
The functionality and quality of your home is to your needs and standards.

Disadvantages of custom homes
Building a custom home can have a hefty price tag depending on the features and products you choose.
The selected products and features in some custom homes are not purchased at bulk rate; you often pay more per square foot when done.
Custom homes typically take the longest to build.
Your builder may not be an architect, you will have the added expense of hiring an architect to design your custom home.
Financing a custom home is sometimes limited to banks that will offer the financing and can be harder to get approved for a construction loans.
These homes may depreciate faster than traditional homes.
Advantages of semi-custom homes
You tailored a house that reflects you, but you do not have the expense of an architect developing a blueprint.
Working within your local builder’s pre set allowances, you can often choose quality products and features and not go over your budget allowance.
Some features and products may be purchased at bulk rate costs, so the cost per square foot is less.
Using a home building process with a pre designed home designs and floor plans, people feel to be more confident in the ability to build a house that fits personal touch, wants and needs.

Disadvantages of semi custom homes
You may need to make sacrifices on materials, location, products and styles, layout, quality and functionality may be compromised.
Modifications to these homes may cause you to spend more money than was originally anticipated.
Clark County Homebuilders set budgets that may rule out some high end home features and products.
While there are advantages and disadvantages to these both types of homes, it is important for those looking to build a home to take the time to assess their desired home specifications. What is the amount you want to spend? How important is uniqueness of the home style and floor plan? What is your estimated construction time frame? Asking these types of questions can greatly aid you in making a good decision on the type of home to build and better ensure that you enjoy one of the largest investments you’ll ever make – your new home.